Remastering The Public Domain Project – Spiritual Songs this weekend
For CD Bay release on Sunday, Feb. 8, 2015

This will end up being the first official release from me, and largely with the help of CD Baby.

This release of Public Domain – Spiritual Songs is the first of what will eventually be a boxed set of various groups of public domain songs to include this release, as well as Christmas songs, children’s songs, and a slough of main stream public domain songs.

The Public Domain Project: Public Domain – Spiritual Songs CD 1

01-Wayfaring Stranger
02-All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name
03-Amazing Grace
04-Down By The Riverside
05-The Doxology
06-Go Tell It on The Mountain
07-Holy, Holy, Holy
08-Just As I Am
09-Michael Row The Boat Ashore
10-Nearer, My God, To Thee
11-Old Rugged Cross
12-Old Time Religion
13-Onward Christian Soldiers
14-Shall We Gather At The River
15-Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
16-What A Friend We Have In Jesus
17-Crown Him With Many Crowns
18-Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child
19-Nobody Knows The Trouble I Seen