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Somewhere along the way we hit half a billion page views!

Somewhere along the way we hit half a billion page views!
While over on my profile on NumberOneMusic …

Total Plays: 6,601,274 
Profile Views: 8,204,766

Rev. Barry Willie Black on N1N

adding it up: 01.15.23

Revamping all the music sites: (will just get an update and maybe a facelift) (new site software) (new site software & need physical studio space) (new site software) (new site software) (new site software)

Main Blog Back OnLine, y’all!

Main Blog Back OnLine, y’all!

Maybe FB will stop all the notifications about writing new comments and post on my pages and profiles. There’s an add-on app in my site that allows me to post to multiple profiles and such with each post I make here on my blog… so here’s goes the first, as a test! It’s a new year, and there is much to get done!!


“What do you “do”, Barry?”

Here Now, Hear Now…. Rev. Barry Willie Black sings “To Do What I Do”.

I have been searching for the last few weeks to find an adequate and true response to the question, “What do you “do”, Barry?”, as asked by my friend, Andrea, ex-wife of Bo Porter, world-renowned local country artist, here in Austin, Texas.

I have recorded long lists of songs that I have never heard versions of before, including a list of 30+ songs Willie Nelson had covered, that I had not yet heard and recorded.

I think it’s kinda fun.

This song, covered by Alan Jackson, is one of those. It was written by Tim Johnson, and I had not heard either version, before I began to learn it yesterday.

Please subscribe to my channel.�

Life changes unexpectedly at times… this is one of those days.

Change is inevitable, and how we manage and react to it is most important.

I am rebuilding my domain site for the “Hole In The Wall Studio” & UnderDawg Music, first, then hope to have a band develop so that the Luck, Texas Rangers & the Rogue Princes of Texas come alive.

Just Passed 750000 Song Plays On Number One Music

Just Passed 750,000 Song Plays On Number One Musics

Reverend Barry Willie Black
United States Texas Austin
Alt Country Country Spiritual
Plays Today: 3,366
Total Plays: 751,400
Profile Views: 949,657

CDBabysales.BarryWillieBlack.Com IS Live

CDBabysales.BarryWillieBlack.Com IS Live…. at

Set up a direct to CDBaby site at HostBaby and got the deal of a lifetime…

I paid for hosting for a year and now get a coupon for as many releases and singles as I want to produce!


Just saved $49 on every release, and although I still need to pay $20 for barcode, they integrate it in all the right places when I submit my releases through my CDBaby account, and it enables world-wide distribution of my tracks and CDs!!

Again I say WOOOT!!


I have earned credits so please come enjoy the music

Radio Airplay feeds the Jango Internet Radio station

I have earned credits so please come enjoy the music…

Thanks for stopping by to read my post!


Donate to Rev. "Willie"

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