Today’s High Note, from Rev. Barry Willie Black I…
Today’s High Note, from Rev. Barry Willie Black
I posted another new recording. “To Do What I Do”…
Rev. Barry Willie Black & The Luck, Texas Rang…
Rev. Barry Willie Black & The Luck, Texas Rangers
Remastering The Public Domain Project – Spiritual Songs this weekend for CD Bay release on Sunday
Remastering The Public Domain Project – Spiritual Songs this weekend
For CD Bay release on Sunday, Feb. 8, 2015
This will end up being the first official release from me, and largely with the help of CD Baby.
This release of Public Domain – Spiritual Songs is the first of what will eventually be a boxed set of various groups of public domain songs to include this release, as well as Christmas songs, children’s songs, and a slough of main stream public domain songs.
The Public Domain Project: Public Domain – Spiritual Songs CD 1
01-Wayfaring Stranger
02-All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name
03-Amazing Grace
04-Down By The Riverside
05-The Doxology
06-Go Tell It on The Mountain
07-Holy, Holy, Holy
08-Just As I Am
09-Michael Row The Boat Ashore
10-Nearer, My God, To Thee
11-Old Rugged Cross
12-Old Time Religion
13-Onward Christian Soldiers
14-Shall We Gather At The River
15-Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
16-What A Friend We Have In Jesus
17-Crown Him With Many Crowns
18-Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child
19-Nobody Knows The Trouble I Seen
“The bond that links your true family is not one o…
“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do…
Need funding support to finish releasing new CD My 100+ Romances (Includes A Few Minuses) Vol. 1
Need funding support to finish releasing new CD
My 100+ Romances (Includes A Few Minuses) Vol. 1
The 1st $20 will set this in motion. I have already got this setup on CD Baby, and require the first $20 to register the UPC code and ISCR codes for the CD and singles. DIDIT… out of pocket, but done. Now the real deal… $89 to “world domination” err distribution and sales.
The first has enabled me to sell digitally from CD Baby and my websites, etc.
The UPGRADE to CD Baby Pro for $89 allows me use iTunes, Amazon, and another fist full of well known sites to sell on, too.
Singles will not available initially from this release, but will be available after the final release.
Any level of support gets you the full CD as MP3 media download right away.
Now, on with the show…
I’ve counted over 1560 cover recordings now, and over 310 Willie Nelson covers… so far.
As much as I love “Willie Songs”, I love “Love Songs” more, even though I’ve been single the last 23 years, there’s nothing greater about being alive than being in love! “Love lifts us up where we belong”.
I don’t care if it’s newly love found, love still abounding, or love that has bought the blues on down, or love that’s never been found…
My 100+ Romances (Includes A Few Minuses) Vol. 1 has got it covered! Pun intended ;~)
Track List
- Come Home
- A Song For You
- Continental Trailways Blues
- Give In To Me
- Come Sundown
- Ain’t Misbehavin’
- Here, There And Everywhere
- Love Will Keep Us Alive
- Wasted Time
- After All This Time
- Till There Was You
- Above And Beyond
- Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)
- Arms Of A Woman
- Easy Living
- Into The Mystic
- Whenever You Come Around
- I Don’t Fall In Love So Easy
- Blues Man
- I’ll Go On Loving You
- Play Me
Now about the business at hand…
I have completed all the recordings, prepared all that is required (artwork, etc), but the distributions costs, and what lies beyond that.
I am going to engage in a bit of “direct croudsourcing” initially and offer the opportunity to support me and my music by contributing as if this were already on IndieGoGo, but without the middle man, and with no such limitations.
If you are reading this on my website, then on your right there is a PayPal donation widget.
If not, this post is at then on your right, there is a PayPal donation widget.
By utilizing this widget, two things happen.
- Your donation is documented, so I can keep things straight
- The funds can then be accessed immediately by me from a debit card
Please donate according to the following pre-defined support levels, or make me a Best Offer on one of the producer support levels by sending your best, and I will do my best in return.
The producer levels are flexible, and limited in number (because the total can only add up to 100%), fan levels cannot not.
The IndieGogo fundraiser is Live now, so I have commented out the content that followed previously, and your public support on their website will help more in the Long Run.
My 100 plus Romances Includes A Few Minuses Vol. 1 on IndieGoGo
Don’t Avoid The High Notes,
Rev. Barry Willie Black
(I think this should be required by law when making financial projections for potential crowdfunding supporters)
All estimates are shown are merely examples of possible results are are not to be considered as a promise of specific amounts. As with all investments, variables exist that cannot be controlled, but in this case, the more folks help promote the CD, the more each will see as bonuses. bwb
Rev. Barry Willie Black on Favorite Local Bands
Rev. Barry Willie Black on FB
Rev. Barry Willie Black’s Yotube channel
Rev. Barry Willie Black and The Luck, Texas Rangers, on ReverbNation.
Rev. Barry Willie Black on Number One Music
Rev. Barry Willie Black Main Blog
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Check out this free ebook from @davekusek & #NewArtistModel!…
” … But nobody Can make it out here alone.” ~ Ma…
” … But nobody Can make it out here alone.” ~ Maya Angelou