Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Barnabas, Bethany Black, and Zechariah Black, ……
Barnabas, Bethany Black, and Zechariah Black, … as time goes by, I only get prouder
Just joined #musicforgood on @ReverbNation – now 1…
Just joined #musicforgood on @ReverbNation – now 1/2 of our song sales are donated to @GiveMusicLife
“Beware, so long as you live, of judging men by th…
“Beware, so long as you live, of judging men by their outward appearance.” ~ Jean de La Fontaine…
None knows the weight of another’s burden – Georg…
None knows the weight of another’s burden – George Herbert
… but Love Never Fails (1 Cor. 13:8)
Fro the footer of a website of mine. bwb
My only true daughter and my only grandson… so f…
My only true daughter and my only grandson… so far?
I will be interviewing Friday at 2:30 for the Seni…
I will be interviewing Friday at 2:30 for the Senior System Administrator Linux position at Golden Frog… hallelujah!
Duran West … Golden Frog is looking for a great…
Duran West … Golden Frog is looking for a great Technical Support Representative/Tech Support.